Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Adventures of Princess Atlantis

Date: Spring 2012
Princess Atlantis and Queen Lake

Queen Marie and Queen Lake

Queen Lake and Troll Army

Adventures of Princess Atlantis

Edward, Pink the Unicorn, Everyone the Fairy

Date: Spring 2012
Beautiful and King Glorious

Joe the Giant and Rocky

Adventures of Princess Atlantis

Everyone the Fairy
    Date: Spring 2012
Wedgy the Elf and Pink the Unicorn

Rage, Princess Atlantis, Temper

Spider King

Adventures of Princess Atlantis


Laughing Frog

King of the Trolls
Date: Spring 2012

Adventures of Princess Atlantis

Date: Spring 2012
Hollow, Edward, King Glorious, Jeremy

Spider King

Prince Edward

Adventures of Princess Atlantis

Date: Spring 2012
Smoke the Dragon

Hollow and Young Queen Lake
Wedgy the mischievous elf

Adventures of Princess Atlantis

Everyone the Fairy and Joe the Giant

Pink the Unicorn

Adventures of Princess Atlantis

Date: Spring 2012 
Princesses Atlantis and Everyone

Beautiful, Hollow, Love and Compassion

Saturday, September 29, 2012

This is from my Christmas play "Angels on High"

The Star of Bethlehem

Cast: Gabriel 

Props: Stars

Scene 1: Two angels in the outer universe are moving stars in order to create Bethlehem’s star.

Gabriel: Ok, let’s get this job done.

Michael: What are we doing?

Gabriel: Weren’t you listening to the Boss?

Michael: Yes.

Gabriel: Then think about it.

Michael: We’re supposed to move that star to there and that planet over. And that planet somewhere out of the way. Right?

Gabriel: Yes.

(Angels move the stars around. Michael throws a bundle of star in the air)

Gabriel: What do you think you’re doing?!

Michael: Moving stars?

Gabriel: Don’t throw them like that! This is a very delicate process! One mess up and we could bring about the apocalypse.

Michael: What do you want me to throw them like this? 

(Throws star behind him)

Gabriel: Are you crazy?! We will be in big trouble that star hits the earth!

Michael: (looking down) that’s too bad because….

Gabriel: Oh no! It’s going to hit the earth! We’re going to be stuck shoveling snow and cleaning the gold roads instead of guarding the Boss’s throne!

Michael: Cleaning the golden streets isn’t that bad of a job. . . .

Gabriel: You can do that, but not me!

Michael: Don’t worry. It just flew by the earth.

Gabriel: It missed it by half a kilo.

Michael: Hey we can call it Halley’s Comet. (Gabriel glares at Michael. Angels continue moving stars) Why are we doing this?

Gabriel: Because the Boss said so.

Michael: Why?

Gabriel: Because the Word in going down to earth.

Michael: Really? So that’s why we’re moving these stars around.

Gabriel: Bravo. You figured it out.

Michael: Look! (Pointing down to earth)

Gabriel: Did you throw another star down there?

Michael: No. I want to know what those star people are doing.

Gabriel: The astronomers?

Michael: Yeah.

Gabriel: Probably looking at the stars.

Michael: Yeah, but they’re looking right at us.

Gabriel: That’s probably because we’re done making Bethlehem’s star.

Michael: You mean we can’t move any more stars around?

Gabriel: No. The Magi see the star and will start heading west. 

Michael: What are we going to do now?

Gabriel: See if the Boss has another job for us.

Michael: Can I move just one more star? PLEASE? (Gabriel looks around)

Gabriel: Ok, one more and that’s it.

Michael: Awesome! (Michael throws a star. Angels hear a crash.) 

Gabriel: That’s your fault.

Michael: You can’t blame me. (Looks back) Maybe you can, but don’t make me take the whole blame!

Gabriel: You expect me to take part of the blame for what you did?

Michael: Well... You’re the one who said I could do it. (Angels exit)

Friday, September 28, 2012

The Adventures of Princess Atlantis

I designed all the costumes for this play.  Here we have Atlantis in her pink knee length dress with long sheer sleeves and Everyone in her fairy outfit with wings & headdress.

Floor-length Skirt

I made this skirt for my sister.  It's a floor length skirt with an elastic waist.

Date: 2004

Friday, August 17, 2012

My Own Design

This is my attempt to replicate an outfit that Celtic Woman wore on their Songs From The Heart Tour. Sorry the photo's a little blurry.

The shirt has what I like to call fairy sleeves.  The skirt is a wrap-around that clips at the top.

Date: Summer 2012

First Attempt Costume

Charlie is modeling a first attempt at a costume design for the play The Adventures of Princess Atlantis.

Date: Spring 2012

Renaissance Dress

My sister asked me to make this for her.  It's floor length over dress with big funnel sleeves and decorative ties.  It laces up the front with gold cord through gold eyelets.

Date: 2008
Fabric Rose
I got this idea from a sewing website

Date: 2009

My Renaissance Dress

The under dress is floor length and has tube under sleeves and funnel over sleeves.
The blue over dress is floor length and laces up the sides.

Date: 2007
I've been writing some plays here's an excerpt from a one act.  It's still a work in progress.

Scene 2 - Jim and Will discussing about how they are going to convince the workers they’re in charge.
Lights on

(Will and Jim enter)

Will: All I’m saying is that they’re not listening to us.

Jim: Think positively Will.  This is only the first day Mr. Davis is gone.  We’ll get everything figured out by the end.

Will: You be positive, I’ll be realistic.
(John enters)

Jim: All we need to do is convince the workers that we’re in charge. 

Will: How?

Jim: Uh. . . We could get one of those big enforcer guys.  They’d be convinced for sure.
Will: You watch too many movies.
Jim: Hey, if it works for the movies why can’t it work here? 

John: Could just leave them alone.
Will: Leave who alone?

John: The workers.  They’ve been trained, they know what to do.

Will: Can’t do that.  We’re supposed to make sure quota is met, everything’s on schedule, and that the workers don’t kill each other.

John: They get along.

Will: Yeah. . . When they’re being watched.

John: They’re not fighting right now. 

Will: Because the fact that Mr. Davis is gone hasn’t sunk in yet.
(Jim is playing with his phone and suddenly Beethoven’s 5th Symphony rings out)

Jim: Oh sorry. 

John: You haven’t been listening to a word we’ve been saying.

Jim: So?
John: This is a seriously stressful matter.
Jim: No, when Bale was cast as batman that was a seriously stressful matter.  This is nothing compared to that.
John: You didn’t like batman?
Jim: No, I did.  It was stressful because I had a hard time believing Christan could measure up to Clooney.

John: That batman was pathetic.

Jim: So are you.
John: You need help.

Jim: You need a rain check

John: Would you just be serious for five seconds!?
Jim: Most certainly. . . (Jim’s quiet for five seconds). I want a cookie.

John: Don’t you take anything serious?

Jim: Yes. Lots of things. . . Just not you.
John: Don’t make me set you straight.

Will: We’ll have none of that.

John: Don’t look at me it’s all him.

Will: Anyway.  What should we do to convince the workers?

John: I say leave ‘em be.  (Sarcastically) It’s not like they could blow something up in the span of a week.

Jim:  Hey! That gives me an idea.  Come on Will lets go.
(Jim runs off stage)
Will: Let’s go see what he’s up to. . .

(Will and John exit)

Sunday, April 8, 2012

First post ever on this blog to see if I really want to do have one.