Friday, September 20, 2013

Disney's Tarzan

These are more photos of our production of Disney's Tarzan

Clayton and Jane
Porter and Jane
Porter and Jane

Porter and Clayton

Disney's Tarzan

Jane meets Kala
Kala find baby Tarzan

Kala and Kerchak

Monday, August 12, 2013

Production of Disney's Tarzan

This summer we did Disney's Tarzan, I designed all the costumes.

Kerchak, Terk, and Tarzan look at the Leopard that Tarzan has just defeated

Jane teaches Tarzan.

Finale with the gorillas, Tarzan, and Jane

Tarzan looks on at Jane while she is studying the various plants and animals she sees.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

It Hurts (My thoughts on current events)

You know what hurts most? 

When people tell you that you need to be open minded and accept everyone's beliefs.  And then those very same people make fun of your personal beliefs or political views because they differ from theirs.  It's hypocritical and hurtful.  I am supposed to be open minded and you don't?  We can't all have different opinions on things and just live and let live? 

Everyday I hear people say racist things about different people groups and then turn around and call racism to anyone who disagrees with them.  For example our current president, not everyone likes him, and many accuse these people of racism saying they don't like him because he is an African American.  Which isn't true, they disagree with his politics just like with every president before him (And to all who think all racism is just against African people, you need to think again it's been around towards all people groups.  I hear more racist comments about Jewish people than I do about any other race).

People have different opinions about everything.  There is a movement happening where people are saying it's wrong to shove personal beliefs onto others, but aren't they themselves doing that by telling everyone they must think that way?

To Be Continued...

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Exerpt from my play "Big Things, Little Things"

Will: Did you enjoy your vacation?

Mr. Davis: Very much so, but I didn’t call you in here to talk about my vacation.

Will: Well yes, but do you really want to just get down to business? Why not take it easy?

Mr. Davis: Why do I get the feeling that I don’t want to know your status report?

Will: Paranoid?

Mr. Davis:  Will. . .

Will: (Will lays papers on Mr. Davis’ desk) The engineering department is flying beyond schedule and through the roof… And that’s not a metaphor we really…. Went through the roof.

Mr. Davis: Very good.… Wait a minute! What do you mean?

Will: We. . . Uh. . . We blew a hole in the roof.

Mr. Davis: You blew a hole. . . In the roof?

Will: I’m glad you’re taking this smoothly.

Mr. Davis: I need to sit down. How?!

Will: It was an accident… I do feel guilty about that.

Mr. Davis: You might want to start explaining.

Will: Someone had an ‘accident’ with a butane torch and a light bulb.

Mr. Davis: Is that so?  Who is this ‘someone?’

Will: He requested that he not be named, but he promises that it won’t ever happen again. (Will half-heartedly smiles)

Mr. Davis: Well I was going to say you’ll be promoted for your good work.   But. . .

(Will bites his lip)

Mr. Davis: But before I do anything like that, go fix that roof!
Will: Yes sir.  (Jim enters and Will whispers) Good luck and don’t say anything! (Will exits)

Sweeney Todd

 Photos of the poor towns people at Mrs. Lovett's shop, the style we have them in is Victorian steam punk

Sweeney Todd


For the production of Sweeney Todd, we decided to go with a steam punk style for the costume.  
The character Beetle (right) we put a mechanical arm which I built to attach to an arm brace.

We used dials, cogs, gears, metal plates from clocks and painted bottle tops

Production Work Update

The most recent production I have done is Tarzan, as soon as I get photos, I will post them.   Currently I am Stage Managing the production I Love You, You Are Perfect, Now Change.  This will be a new experience for me, but also a rewarding one.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Sweeney Todd Production

This is a photo from the production Sweeney Todd at Southwestern College

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

New Dress

I found some fabric at Walmart and desided to make a dress.  The fabric already had a elastic gathered bodice part.  So all I did was sew it to fit my body then cut a pointed hanky skirt hem and added some shoulder straps.

Date: Feb. 2013

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Miser

Hey everyone,                                       
I helped last fall with the production of a play called The Miser.  This is a photo of a few of the costumes I helped make.  Sorry one of the photos is a little blurred.



Date: Fall 2012

Monday, January 7, 2013

August: Osage County

             Date: Fall 2012

Steve is bothering Jean and finds out about her smoking habits

The two dresses   are the character Jean's.  The plaid dress is from the first act when she and her parents arrive at Violet's house.  The black with lace is her funeral dress that you can see her wearing in the photo above.
For the black dress I found a skirt I liked and sewed on a bodice. I measured the actresses bust and waist, and then made a tube like bodice according to her measurements.  The same is true for the plaid dress except I found a floor length skirt and cut off most of it.  So I now had a mini skirt and about half a yard of the same material to make a bodice and sew it onto the skirt.  The plaid dress has inch wide shoulder straps and the funeral dress has quarter funnel sleeves with lace trim.

August: Osage County Production.

Date: Fall 2012
Jean (bottom middle) is watching TV. While her mother (right) and father (left) argue and Steve (center top) carries in groceries. In scene 3 of Act 2.
Johnna (standing) comforts Violet in the final scene of Act 3
The whole family mingling before the funeral dinner

August: Osage County

This photo is of the cast from the production of August: Osage County